Arhiiv kuude lõikes: October 2018

Improvement for noise-cancelling headphones

Current noise-cancelling headphones deal well with predictable noise that has a short period of repetition, for example engine rumbling or the hum of an air-conditioner or fan. Unpredictable noise is of course difficult to cancel – the headphones would have to detect the new sound and produce the opposite wave of air pressure quicker than the human ear can detect the new sound. This is theoretically possible, because the sound reaches the outside of the headphone before it reaches the inside of the ear, but may not be feasible at the current technology level.
What is possible, but not done, at least by the Sony MDR-1000x headphones I have, is cancelling predictable noise with a longer period of repetition. Specifically, the beeping sound of trucks reversing has a period of 1-2s and is very predictable, but the headphones do not cancel it at all. It seems that a tweak of the noise-prediction algorithm could fix this – no need to invoke machine learning or anything more complicated. The headphones would just have to keep track of the sounds reaching them in the last few seconds and look for simple repeating patterns. Then these patterns can be predicted and cancelled. Currently the headphones seem to predict only based on the last half-second or less, so any longer repetitions of sound are not taken into account.
Some birdsong is repeated beeping, similar to the signal of trucks reversing, but of course slightly less predictable. This bird-noise could conceivably also be cancelled, although if the gaps between the beeps vary, then the first small length of time during an unexpectedly early beep would be difficult. Similarly, if the length of the beeps varies, then a beep that stops unexpectedly early would be over-cancelled (headphones produce a sound that is detectable on the background of silence).
To help the headphones recognise new noise patterns, the user can press a button when an undesirable sound is heard, and release the button when the sound stops. The algorithm can compare the button presses to its sound-recording in the same time interval, which would help it identify the start and end of the noise that needs to be cancelled. Sometimes humans are better at detecting complex patterns than a computer, in which case this user input to the headphones would speed up the identification of new forms of noise.

Online reviews should include more facts

Online reviews are a public good and increase social welfare, but they could be improved by including more concrete data. For example, a restaurant or grocery store review should list the prices of specific foods. A review of a bar or function venue could estimate the number of tables and seats and the distance between tables, thus quantifying how cramped the room is. Currently, most reviews on Google Maps, Yelp and other similar sites are vague, just stating that the reviewer had a bad or great experience, that the staff were helpful or not, etc.
The purpose of a review is (hopefully) to help others (although some people just write rants to vent their emotions). Facts in reviews would help others more than opinions. Photos of the establishment and the food are useful, because they provide factual information. Some photos are more helpful than others. For example, it is more useful to see the inside than the outside of a venue. It is not very useful to see a picture of the outdoor sign of the establishment, but a readable photo of the menu conveys lots of information. In the future, Google Maps and competitors could automatically extract text from photos that contain it, and display the information in search results. Then photos of the menu, or of prices in a grocery store would be even more useful.
The idea for this post came from fruitlessly searching the web for current prices of groceries in different supermarkets in town. It would have been helpful if recent reviews of these supermarkets had included prices of at least some items.
The grocery price comparison apps that I tried had the limitation that the prices were for specific branded products and per package (e.g. Organic Carrots 500g), not per kilogram of a generic product (e.g. 1kg of carrots). This made it difficult to compare general pricing across shops, because each shop has a different range of brands, and only the price of the exact same brand can be compared.
An easy fix to improve the apps would be to allow users to specify which differently-branded products should be treated as identical, for example “Coles orange juice 2 litres” is the same for me as “Woolworths orange juice 2 litres”. Merging similar products would also reduce the memory requirement of the app, because the product database would have fewer entries to keep track of.

Kõik on võimla

Trenni saab teha muude tegevuste käigus peaaegu igal pool. See trenn ei pruugi olla kuigi intensiivne, aga iga natuke aitab – istumine on pikas perspektiivis üks tervisele ohtlikumaid tegevusi.
Sidudes kingapaelu kinni ja lahti ühel jalal seistes (mitte kummardades või kükitades) saab treenida tasakaalu ja jalga stabiliseerivaid lihaseid. Sama põhimõte on tõmmata jalanõusid ja pükse jalga ja jalast ära ühel jalal. Trepist käimine lifti asemel on ammu tuntud tervisesport. Toolilt või potilt tõusmine käsi kasutamata, ainult jalalihaste abil, on ka hea igapäevane harjutus. Samuti toolile istumine käteta. Kummargil olekust või kükist püsti tõusmine sirge seljaga ilma kätega põlvilt tõukamata treenib pisut selga ja jalgu.
Jalalihaste trenniks võib seista põlved pisut kõverdatud või kannad pisut maast lahti, mitte luudele toetudes. Koosolekul toolil istudes magama jäämise vältimiseks on hea nipp tõsta üks tald sentimeetri jagu maast lahti ja hoida reielihaste abil üleval. Seljalihaste treenimiseks hea rühi jaoks tuleks mitte kasutada tooli seljatuge, vaid istuda sirge seljaga.
Kohvrit saab kanda, selle asemel et veeretada, isegi kui kohvril on rattad all.
Ma pole kindlasti esimene, kes selle peale on tulnud, et igal pool on jõusaal ehk kõik on võimla. Ilmselt leiab internetist igapäevaelu käigus tehtavaid harjutusi rohkemgi.

Jahu massi ja mahu muutus ja mõõtmisvead

Köögis, nagu ka keemialaboris, soovitavad asjatundjad mõõta massi, mitte mahtu. Näiteks jahu pakist mõõtetopsi raputades tihedus väheneb rohkem kui sama mõõtetopsiga pakist jahu kraapides – erinev tihedus tähendab, et maht sama, mass erinev. Aga isegi sama hõrendamistehnikat kasutades, näiteks puistates, võib mahtu mõõtes eksitava tulemuse saada. Tavalise ja täisterajahu 1kg pakid on sama suured, mis tähendab, et pakis on jahu tihedus sama. Pakist mõõtetopsi raputades tundub (minu mitteteadusliku katse põhjal otsustades) tavalise ja täisterajahu tihedus muutuvat erinevalt – täisterajahu hõreneb rohkem. Põhjuseks oletan, et täisterajahu hõreneb rohkem, sest selles on kliiosakesed, mis on suuremad kui terast jahvatatud osakesed. Suuremate osakeste vahel on suuremad vahed kui neid mitte kokku pressida.
Erinevatest nisusortidest tehtud jahude tihedused võivad samuti erineda, rääkimata tatra-, rukki- ja odrajahust võrreldes nisuga.
Kaalumisel võib samuti süstemaatiline viga esineda, näiteks kui jahu veesisaldus on erinev (niiskes ja kuivas õhus hoidmisel imab jahu niiskust erinevalt, näiteks suvel ja talvel). Olenevalt sellest, kui palju niiske jahu kuivaga võrreldes paisub, võib kaalumisviga olla suurem või väiksem mahumõõteveast. Minu piiratud kogemuse põhjal on kaalumisviga väiksem, seega on mass parem mõõde kui maht.